Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Graduation! Swearing in as Peace Corps Volunteers

Yea! We did it! After 11 weeks of intensive training, a few breakdowns and 11 trainees returning to America, we finally swore in. During the ceremony the played the Star Spangled Banner was played and I never felt more patriotic. By oath we swore to protect and serve our country. The " Madame Ambassador Extradionaire and Pleinatorium of the United States of America", (spelling could be off) her ultra official title, invited us to her house afterward to congratulate us. Before the celebration, rumors swirled that there would be buffalo wings, ding dongs and all the junk food you could imagine. Our great expectations were not met but we had a good time anyway. We later said our good-byes at the hotel and departed for our destinations the next day.

When we arrived in Osh, we were walking by a news stand and found ourselves on the front cover of a national Kyrgyz journal. Now if only we could read what they are saying.

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