Tuesday, October 16, 2007

More Photos from Pre-Service Training!

More Pre-Service Training photos:

Meg and two other volunteers teaching English Club at the local elementary school.

This lady was grinding meat during our break from our russian language class. By the way, we tested as intermediates. Meg calculated the total class hours and figured out we did one year's worth of American college class in 11 weeks!

Meg savoring a piece of licorice sent via mail. Truely a luxury in Kyrgyzstan. Thanks for sending the licorice!

Our gang of trainees walking home from language class. During some days of the summer it was a 30 minute walk thru 90 degree heat. It was always memorable, seeing all the farm animals and the kids hollering, Hello!

Our Tajick neighbor and his family built himself a mud brick house in 2 months. Notice the plint block above the window and concrete before the ceiling joists. For insulation in the ceiling they used more mud. They used minimal tools. During the summer I plan to do a Habitat for Humanity project to learn how to build a mud brick house.

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